A Practical Approach to Software Quality
(Sprache: Englisch)
Overview The aim of this book is to provide a practical introduction to software quality in an industrial environment and is based on the author's experience in working in software engineering and software quality improvement with leading indus trial...
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Klappentext zu „A Practical Approach to Software Quality “
Overview The aim of this book is to provide a practical introduction to software quality in an industrial environment and is based on the author's experience in working in software engineering and software quality improvement with leading indus trial companies. The book is written from a practitioner's viewpoint, and the objective is to include both theory and practice. The reader will gain a grasp of the fundamentals as well as guidance on the practical application of the theory. The principles of software quality management and software process im provement are discussed, and guidance on the implementation of maturity mod els such as the CMM, SPICE, or the ISO 9000:2000 standard is included. Organization and Features The first chapter provides an introduction to the fundamentals of quality man agement. Later chapters consider software inspections and testing, ISO 9000, the CMM, the evolving SPICE standard, metrics and problem solving, and the final chapter on formal methods and design considers some advanced topics, includ ing configuration management, UML, software usability, and formal methods. The reader may find the material heavy going in places, especially in the section on formal methods, and this section may be skipped. The book includes a chapter on software inspections and testing, and this in cludes material on Fagan inspections to build quality into the software product.
Inhaltsverzeichnis zu „A Practical Approach to Software Quality “
1 Introduction to Software Quality.- 1.1 The Software Engineering Challenge.- 1.2 History of Software Failures.- 1.3 Background to Software Quality.- 1.4 History of Quality.- 1.5 Software Engineering.- 1.6 Modem Software Quality Management.- 1.7 Miscellaneous.- 1.8 Structure of This Book.- 2 Software Inspections and Testing.- 2.1 Overview Fagan Inspections.- 2.2 Software Inspection Methodology.- 2.3 E-Mail/Fax Reviews.- 2.4 Semi Formal Review Meeting.- 2.5 Fagan Inspection Methodology.- 2.6 Software Testing.- 2.7 Summary.- 3 The ISO 9000 Standard.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 ISO 9000 1994 Version.- 3.3 ISO 9000:2000 Version.- 3.4 Implementing ISO 9000:2000.- 3.6 ISO 9000 Certification Process.- 3.7 Summary.- 3.5 ISO 9000 and Improvement.- 4 The Capability Maturity Model.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Overview of CMM.- 4.3 CMM Architecture.- 4.4 CMM Maturity Levels.- 4.5 Implementing the CMM.- 4.6 CMM Internal Assessments.- 4.7 External CMM Assessments.- 4.8 CMM Worldwide Maturity.- 4.9 CMMI Project.- 4.10 Summary.- 5 The SPICE (15504) Standard.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Overview of SPICE.- 5.3 Process Management.- 5.4 SPICE Reference Model.- 5.5 SPICE Processes.- 5.6 The Exemplar Model.- 5.7 SPICE Assessment.- 5.8 Process Capability Determination.- 5.9 SPICE and Process Improvement.- 5.10 The Implementation of SPICE.- 5.11 SPICE A Critical Analysis.- 5.12 Summary.- 6 Metrics and Problem Solving.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 The Goal Question Metric Paradigm.- 6.3 The Balanced Scorecard.- 6.4 Metrics for an Organization.- 6.5 Implementing a Metrics Program.- 6.6 Problem-Solving Techniques.- 6.7 Summary.- 7 Formal Methods and Design.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Software Configuration Management.- 7.3 Unified Modeling Language.- 7.4 Software Usability.- 7.5 Formal Methods.- 7.6 Summary.- References.
Autoren-Porträt von Gerard O'Regan
The book offers a brief, but comprehensive, introduction to the field of quality control systems in the software development process. Specifically, the book covers SPICE, ISO 9000:2000 standards, metrics, and customer satisfaction. Essential book for software engineers, practitioners, and professionals.
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Gerard O'Regan
- 2011, XV, 289 Seiten, Maße: 15,5 x 1,8 cm, Kartoniert (TB), Englisch
- Verlag: Springer, Berlin
- ISBN-10: 1441929517
- ISBN-13: 9781441929518
"Since software quality assurance is still an issue in software organizations, a deep understanding of the subject itself, as well as of methods for effectively implementing software quality, is crucial for both software managers and practitioners. Comprehensive books like this one can help readers to get into the field. However, O¿Regan¿s book is more than just an introduction. It also serves as a good reference for people who want to step into the subject practically, and for those who want to find out about the quality measures that could best fit their organizations...I recommend this book to those interested in learning how software quality helps increase software companies¿ productivity." --Computing Reviews
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