Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
(Sprache: Englisch)
A large international conference on industrial engineering and operations research was held in Hong Kong, March 21-23, 2007, under the International Multi- Conference ofEngineers andComputerScientists(IMECS)2007. TheIMECS2007 is organized by the...
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Klappentext zu „Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research “
A large international conference on industrial engineering and operations research was held in Hong Kong, March 21-23, 2007, under the International Multi- Conference ofEngineers andComputerScientists(IMECS)2007. TheIMECS2007 is organized by the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), a nonpro t international association for engineers and computer scientists. The IMECS conf- ences serve as platforms for the engineering community to meet with each other and to exchange ideas. The conferences have also struck a balance between theory and application development. The conference committees consist of over 200 comm- teememberswhoaremainlyresearchcenterheads,facultydeans,departmentheads, professors, and research scientists from over 30 countries. The conferences are truly international meetings with a high level of participation from many countries. The response that we have received for the multi-conference is excellent. There have been more than 1100 manuscript submissions for the IMECS 2007. All submitted papers have gone through the peer review process, and the overall acceptance rate is 58. 46%. This volume contains revised and extended research articles on industrial engineering and operations research written by prominent researchers parti- pating in the multi-conference IMECS 2007. Topics covered include quality management systems, reliability and quality control, engineering experimental - sign, computer-supported collaborative engineering, human factors and ergonomics, computer-aided manufacturing, manufacturing processes and methods, engineering management and leadership, optimization, transportation network design, stochastic modeling, queuing theory, and industrial applications. The papers are representative in these subjects, sitting at the top end ofthe highest technologies in these elds.
Inhaltsverzeichnis zu „Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research “
A Comprehensive Movement Compatibility Study for Hong Kong Chinese.- A Study of Comparative Design Satisfaction Between Culture and Modern Bamboo Chair.- Factors Influencing Symbol-Training Effectiveness.- Multiple-Colony Ant Algorithm with Forward-Backward Scheduling Approach for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem.- Proposal of New Paradigm for Hand and Foot Controls in the Context of Spatial Compatibility Effect.- Development of a Mathematical Model for Process with S-Type Quality Characteristics to a Quality Selection Problem.- Temporal Aggregation and the Production Smoothing Model: Evidence from Electronic Parts and Components Manufacturing in Taiwan.- Simulations of Gear Shaving and the Tooth Contact Analysis.- On Aggregative Methods of Supplier Assessment.- Human Factors and Ergonomics for Nondestructive Testing.- A Novel Matrix Approach to Determine Makespan for Zero-Wait Batch Processes.- Interactive Meta-Goal Programming: A Decision Analysis Approach for Collaborative Manufacturing.- Nonlinear Programming Based on Particle Swarm Optimization.- A Heuristic for the Capacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem.- Multimodal Transport: A Framework for Analysis.- Fractional Matchings of Graphs.- Correlation Functions for Dynamic Load Balancing of Cycle Shops.- Neural Network-Based Integral Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems.- Decentralized Neuro-Fuzzy Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems.- A New Training Algorithm of Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Chaotic Dynamic Systems.- General-Purpose Simulation Management for Satellite Navigation Signal Simulation.- Multilayered Quality-of-Service Architecture with Cross-layer Coordination for Teleoperation System.- Improvement of State Estimation for Systems with Chaotic Noise.- CombinedSensitivity-Complementary Sensitivity Min-Max Approach for Load Disturbance-Setpoint Trade-off Design.- Nonlinear Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for a Rotary Inverted Pendulum.- Robust Load Frequency Sliding Mode Control
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Based on Uncertainty and Disturbance Estimator.- Robust Intelligent Motion Control for Linear Piezoelectric Ceramic Motor System Using Self-constructing Neural Network.- Development of Hybrid Magnetic Bearings System for Axial-Flow Blood Pump.- Critical Angle for Optimal Correlation Assignment to Control Memory and Computational Load Requirements in a Densely Populated Target Environment.- High-Precision Finite Difference Method Calculations of Electrostatic Potential.- Newton-Tau Method.- Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of the Successive Overrelaxation Method.- Tabu Search Algorithm Based on Strategic Oscillation for Nonlinear Minimum Spanning Tree Problems.- Customization of Visual Lobe Measurement System for Testing the Effects of Foveal Load.
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Bibliographische Angaben
- 2010, XXVII, 497 Seiten, Maße: 15,5 x 23,5 cm, Kartoniert (TB), Englisch
- Herausgegeben: Alan H.S. Chan
- Verlag: Springer, Berlin
- ISBN-10: 1441945164
- ISBN-13: 9781441945167
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