Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
4th International Haifa Verification Conference, HVC 2008, Haifa, Israel, October 27-30, 2008, Revised Selected Papers
(Sprache: Englisch)
These are the conference proceedings of the 4th Haifa Veri?cation Conference, held October 27-30, 2008 in Haifa, Israel. This international conference is a unique venue that brings together leading researchers and practitioners of both formal and dynamic...
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Produktinformationen zu „Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing “
Klappentext zu „Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing “
These are the conference proceedings of the 4th Haifa Veri?cation Conference, held October 27-30, 2008 in Haifa, Israel. This international conference is a unique venue that brings together leading researchers and practitioners of both formal and dynamic veri?cation, for both hardware and software systems. This year's conference extended the successes of the previous years, with a largejumpinthenumberofsubmitted papers. Wereceived49totalsubmissions, with many more high-quality papers than we had room to accept. Submissions came from 19 di?erent countries, re?ecting the growing international visibility of the conference. Of the 49 submissions, 43 were regular papers, 2 of which were later withdrawn, and 6 were tool papers. After a rigorous review process, in which each paper received at least four independent reviews from the dist- guished Program Committee, we accepted 12 regular papers and 4 tools papers for presentation at the conference and inclusion in this volume. These numbers give acceptance rates of 29% for regular papers and 67% for tool papers (34% combined) - comparable to the elite, much older, conferences in the ?eld. A Best Paper Award, selected on the basis of the reviews and scores from the Program Committee, was presented to Edmund Clarke, Alexandre Donz´ e, and AxelLegayfortheirpaperentitled"StatisticalModelCheckingofMixed-Analog Circuits with an Application to a Third-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator. " The refereed program was complemented by an outstanding program of - vited talks, panels, and special sessions from prominent leaders in the ?eld.
Inhaltsverzeichnis zu „Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing “
Section 1: Invited Talks.- Hazards of Verification.- Automata-Theoretic Model Checking Revisited.- Proofs, Interpolants, and Relevance Heuristics.- Is Verification Getting Too Complex?.- Can Mutation Analysis Help Fix Our Broken Coverage Metrics?.- Practical Considerations Concerning HL-to -RT Equivalence Checking.- Section 2: Regular Papers.- A Framework for Inherent Vacuity.- A Meta Heuristic for Effectively Detecting Concurrency Errors.- A Uniform Approach to Three-Valued Semantics for ?-Calculus on Abstractions of Hybrid Automata.- Automatic Boosting of Cross-Product Coverage Using Bayesian Networks.- Efficient Decision Procedure for Bounded Integer Non-linear Operations Using SMT( ).- Evaluating Workloads Using Comparative Functional Coverage.- Iterative Delta Debugging.- Linear-Time Reductions of Resolution Proofs.- Significant Diagnostic Counterexamples in Probabilistic Model Checking.- Statistical Model Checking of Mixed-Analog Circuits with an Application to a Third Order ????? Modulator.- Structural Contradictions.- Synthesizing Test Models from Test Cases.- Section 3: Tool Papers.- d-TSR: Parallelizing SMT-Based BMC Using Tunnels over a Distributed Framework.- Progress in Automated Software Defect Prediction.- SeeCode - A Code Review Plug-in for Eclipse.- User-Friendly Model Checking: Automatically Configuring Algorithms with RuleBase/PE.
Bibliographische Angaben
- 2009, 2009, XII, 215 Seiten, Maße: 15,5 x 23,5 cm, Kartoniert (TB), Englisch
- Herausgegeben: Hana Chockler, Alan J. Hu
- Verlag: Springer, Berlin
- ISBN-10: 3642017010
- ISBN-13: 9783642017018
- Erscheinungsdatum: 22.04.2009
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