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La fragilidad del destino

María G. Vicent

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Erschienen am 17.10.2023
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200 Meisterwerke der Literaturgeschichte

Franz Kafka, Jane Austen, Wolfram Von Eschenbach, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Heinrich von Kleist, Friedrich Hölderlin, Theodor Fontane, Gustav Freytag, Gottfried Keller, Theodor Storm, Stefan Zweig, Mary Shelley, Josef Freiherr von Eichendorff, Klaus Mann, Rainer Maria Rilke, Johanna Spyri, Joseph Roth, Karl May, Robert Musil, Heinrich Mann, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Emily Brontë, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Giacomo Casanova, Luigi Pirandello, Giosuè Carducci, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Niccolo Machiavelli, Miguel Cervantes De Saavedra, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Vicente Blasco Ibañez, Charlotte Brontë, Knut Hamsun, Homer, Äsop, Herodot, Thukydides, Xenophon, Platon, Aristoteles, Sophokles, Euripides, Anne Brontë, Aristophanes, Laotse, Konfuzius, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Titus Livius, Tacitus, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Vergil, Ovid, Lukian, William Makepeace Thackeray, Petronius, Apuleius, Longos von Lesbos, Mark Aurel, Aurelius Augustinus, Bram Stoker, Henry Fielding, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, D. H. Lawrence, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Thomas Wolfe, Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carrol, Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, Daniel Defoe, James Fenimore Cooper, Lew Wallace, Jonathan Swift, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, Walter Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lord Byron, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Laurence Sterne, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins, Edgar Wallace, Jack London, Henry David Thoreau, John Galsworthy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Giacomo Leopardi, Rudyard Kipling, G. K. Chesterton, Washington Irvin, O. Henry, Ambrose Bierce, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Michail Lermontow, Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew, Leo Tolstoi, Nikolai Gogol, Marcel Proust, Iwan Gontscharow, Nikolai Leskow, Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow, Maxim Gorki, François Rabelais, Jean De La Fontaine, Blaise Pascal, Pierre Corneille, Moliere, Jean Baptiste Racine, Henrik Ibsen, Charles Perrault, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos, Antoine-François Prévost, Marquis de Sade, François René Chateaubriand, Stendhal, Honoré de Balzac, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Alexandre Dumas, Alphonse de Lamartine, George Sand, Gustave Flaubert, Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, Alphonse Daudet, Jules Verne, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Prosper Mérimée, Charles Dickens, Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, André Gide, Arthur Schopenhauer, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jacob Grimm, Gottfried von Straßburg

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Erschienen am 04.12.2023
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100$ REWARD ON MY HEAD - Powerful & Unflinching Memoirs Of Former Slaves: 28 Narratives in One Volume

Thomas Clarkson, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Daniel Drayton, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, Louis Hughes, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still

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Erschienen am 15.01.2024
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UNCHAINED - Powerful & Unflinching Narratives Of Former Slaves: 28 True Life Stories in One Volume

Thomas Clarkson, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Daniel Drayton, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, Louis Hughes, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still

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Erschienen am 15.01.2024
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Das große Buch vom Weihnachtsmann

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Oscar Wilde, Eduard Mörike, Eufemia von Adlersfeld-Ballestrem, Peter Rosegger, Charlotte Brontë, Victor Hugo, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, O. Henry, G. K. Chesterton, Johanna Spyri, Hans Christian Andersen, Josef Freiherr von Eichendorff, Joachim Ringelnatz, Wilhelmine Heimburg, Kurt Tucholsky, Luise Büchner, Die Gebrüder Grimm, Victor Blüthgen, Anna Ritter, Hedwig Courths-Mahler, Theodor Storm, E. T. A. Hoffman, Frances Hodgson Burnett), Rainer Maria Rilke, Charles Dickens, Hermann Löns, Heinrich Heine, Theodor Fontane, Karl May

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Erschienen am 20.12.2023
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Das große Buch vom Weihnachtsmann

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Oscar Wilde, Eduard Mörike, Eufemia von Adlersfeld-Ballestrem, Peter Rosegger, Charlotte Brontë, Victor Hugo, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, O. Henry, G. K. Chesterton, Johanna Spyri, Hans Christian Andersen, Josef Freiherr von Eichendorff, Joachim Ringelnatz, Wilhelmine Heimburg, Kurt Tucholsky, Luise Büchner, Die Gebrüder Grimm, Victor Blüthgen, Anna Ritter, Hedwig Courths-Mahler, Theodor Storm, E. T. A. Hoffman, Frances Hodgson Burnett), Rainer Maria Rilke, Charles Dickens, Hermann Löns, Heinrich Heine, Theodor Fontane, Karl May

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Erschienen am 18.11.2023
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Viver bem: várias concepções e diferentes perspectivas

Lucia Maria G. Barbosa, Iara de Andrade Silva, Arlindo da Silva Lourenço, Liliana Pereira Lima, Ana Maria Haddad Baptista, Shirley Silva Moreira de Carvalho, Gleisson Campos Campisi, Newton Vitorio de Moraes, Heitor M. Santos, Marina Aline de Brito Sena, Naiane Couto Costa, Leandro Paulo dos Santos, Felipe Saturnino, Lila Witte Gonzales Barbosa, Taynan Filipini Bonini, Márcia Fusaro, Gabriel de Carvalho, Susan Witte

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Erschienen am 19.05.2022
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Mi manzana prohibida

María G. Chova

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Erschienen am 11.03.2022
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North vs. South Collection

Jules Verne, Edward Everett Hale, Charles King, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Charles Carleton Coffin, James Ford Rhodes, John McElroy, Lucy Foster Madison, Harry Hazelton, Henry F. Keenan, George W. Peck, Mark Twain, John R. Musick, Robert W. Chambers, Joseph A. Altsheler, G. A. Henty, B. K. Benson, W. H. Shelton, Byron A. Dunn, Ellen Glasgow, María Ruiz de Burton, Thomas Dixon Jr., Randall Parrish, George Washington Cable, John Esten Cooke, Edward Robins, John William De Forest, Ambrose Bierce, Winston Churchill

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Erschienen am 28.12.2023
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American Civil War Collection

Jules Verne, Winston Churchill, Edward Everett Hale, Charles King, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Stephen Crane, Charles Carleton Coffin, James Ford Rhodes, John McElroy, Lucy Foster Madison, Harry Hazelton, Mark Twain, Henry F. Keenan, George W. Peck, John R. Musick, Robert W. Chambers, Joseph A. Altsheler, G. A. Henty, B. K. Benson, W. H. Shelton, Byron A. Dunn, Ellen Glasgow, Randall Parrish, María Ruiz de Burton, Thomas Dixon Jr., George Washington Cable, John Esten Cooke, Edward Robins, John William De Forest, Ambrose Bierce, Mary Johnston

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Erschienen am 28.12.2023
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The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Max Brand, Jacob A. Riis, S. Weir Mitchell, Elbridge S. Brooks, Edward A. Rand, W. H. H. Murray, Florence L. Barclay, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Harrison S. Morris, Robert E. Howard, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, William Wordsworth, Sarah P. Doughty, Hans Christian Andersen, William Butler Yeats, Richard Watson Gilder, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anton Chekhov, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Carolyn Wells, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Margaret Deland, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, Reginald Heber, Alfred Tennyson, George Macdonald, A. S. Boyd, Maxime Du Camp, Charles Mackay, Mary Austin, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Guy de Maupassant, Brothers Grimm, Clement Moore, Susan Anne Livingston, Ridley Sedgwick, Nora A. Smith, Phebe A. Curtiss, Nellie C. King, John Addington Symonds, Lucy Wheelock, Aunt Hede, Frederick E. Dewhurst, Jay T. Stocking, Anna Robinson, Florence M. Kingsley, M. A. L. Lane, Elizabeth Harkison, Raymond Mcalden, F. E. Mann, Sophie May, Winifred M. Kirkland, Katherine Pyle, Grace Margaret Gallaher, Elia W. Peattie, F. Arnstein, James Weber Linn, Antonio Maré, Pedro A. de Alarcón, Jules Simon, Marion Clifford, Louisa May Alcott, E. E. Hale, Georg Schuster, Matilda Betham Edwards, Angelo J. Lewis, William Francis Dawson, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, Alfred Domett, Dinah Maria Mulock, James S. Park, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Henry Van Dyke, Edmund Bolton, C. S. Stone, Harriet F. Blodgett, John G. Whittier, Christian Burke, Emily Huntington Miller, Cyril Winterbotham, Enoch Arnold Bennett, John Punnett Peters, Laura Elizabeth Richards, Arthur Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Selma Lagerlöf, Andrew Lang, Frances Ridley Havergal, Alphonse Daudet, William John Locke, Walter Scott, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, John Leighton, Booth Tarkington, Ralph Henry Barbour, Benito Pérez Galdós, Charles Dickens, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Alice Duer Miller, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Armando Palacio Valdés, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Marcel Prévost, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Robert Herrick, Mark Twain, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Meredith Nicholson, Lucas Malet, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Isaac Watts, James Russell Lowell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Whitcomb Riley, Thomas Nelson Page, O. Henry, Phillips Brooks, Saki, Cyrus Townsend Brady, William Makepeace Thackeray, Mary Stewart Cutting, Martin Luther, Sarah Orne Jewett, François Coppée, Oliver Bell Bunce, Susan Coolidge, Samuel McChord Crothers, Maud Lindsay, Alice Hale Burnett, Walter Crane, André Theuriet, Amy Ella Blanchard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Isabel Cecilia Williams, Evaleen Stein, Nell Speed, Amanda M. Douglas, Edgar Wallace, George Wither, Booker T. Washington, Olive Thorne Miller, Margaret Sidney, William Douglas O'Connor, William Shakespeare, Vernon Lee, Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Henry Vaughan, Eliza Cook, Kate Upson Clark, Ben Jonson, Ernest Ingersoll, Frank Samuel Child, Willis Boyd Allen, Georgianna M. Bishop, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edward Thring, F. L. Stealey, James Selwin Tait, Tudor Jenks, L. Frank Baum, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, J. M. Barrie, Eleanor H. Porter, Annie F. Johnston

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Erschienen am 28.12.2023
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101 Libros Imprescindibles Para Leer En Tu Vida

Franz Kafka, William Shakespeare, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Bram Stoker, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Victor Hugo, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Herman Melville, Lewis Carroll, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Benito Pérez Galdós, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Washington Irving, Juan Valera, Horacio Quiroga, Charles Baudelaire, Voltaire, Leopoldo Alas, Henrik Ibsen, John Milton, José Martí, Rubén Darío, Antonio Machado, Emilia Pardo Bazán, L. Frank Baum, H. G. Wells, H. P. Lovecraft, Seneca, Hans Christian Andersen, Mark Twain, Friedrich Nietzsche, Mary Shelley, Sófocles, Sun Tzu, Antón Chéjov, León Tolstoi, Tomás Moro, San Agustín, Julio Verne, Homero, Immanuel Kant, Platón, Hermanos Grimm, Jorge Isaacs, Ignacio De Loyola, Nicolás Maquiavelo, Miguel Cervantes, Teresa de Jesús, Miguel de Unamuno, Duque de Rivas, Ramón María Del Valle-Inclán, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Federico García Lorca, Gibrán Jalil Gibrán, Oscar Wilde, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Allan Poe

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Erschienen am 26.12.2023
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100 Obras Maestras de la Literatura Universal

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schiller, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Oscar Wilde, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Bram Stoker, Gustave Flaubert, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Louisa May Alcott, Victor Hugo, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Jane Austen, JOSÉ RIZAL, Franz Kafka, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Herman Melville, Jonathan Swift, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Benito Pérez Galdós, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Daniel Defoe, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Virginia Woolf, Lewis Carroll, Washington Irving, Juan Valera, Horacio Quiroga, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Baudelaire, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Voltaire, Apuleius, Leopoldo Alas, Sigmund Freud, John Milton, José Martí, Lope de Vega, Emilio Salgari, Francisco De Quevedo, Rubén Darío, Antonio Machado, José Zorrilla, Tirso De Molina, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Henrik Ibsen, Fernando de Rojas, L. Frank Baum, H. G. Wells, J. M. Barrie, H. Rider Haggard, H. P. Lovecraft, Seneca, Hans Christian Andersen, Friedrich Nietzsche, Mary Shelley, Charles Dickens, Baltasar Gracián, Sófocles, Sun Tzu, Fiódor Dostoyevski, Antón Chéjov, León Tolstoi, Tomás Moro, San Agustín, Nikolái Gógol, Julio Verne, Honoré de Balzac, Homero, Platón, Alejandro Dumas, Aristóteles, Hermanos Grimm, Jorge Isaacs, Ignacio De Loyola, Nicolás Maquiavelo, Miguel Cervantes, Teresa de Jesús, Mark Twain, Alejandro Dumas Hijo, Mijaíl Bakunin, Miguel de Unamuno, Duque de Rivas, Ramón María Del Valle-Inclán, Federico García Lorca, Gibrán Jalil Gibrán

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Erschienen am 26.12.2023
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Living to Tell the Horrid Tales: True Life Stories of Fomer Slaves, Historical Documents & Novels

Mark Twain, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Albion Winegar Tourgée, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Aphra Behn, Harriet E. Wilson, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Charles W. Chesnutt, Sarah H. Bradford, Sutton E. Griggs, Lucy A. Delaney, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Thomas Clarkson, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Daniel Drayton, Louis Hughes, Lydia Maria Child, James Weldon Johnson, Austin Steward

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Erschienen am 23.12.2023
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Never Forgotten, Never Could be

Thomas Clarkson, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Daniel Drayton, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, Louis Hughes, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still

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Erschienen am 23.12.2023
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The Tales of Civil War: 40 Books Collection

Jules Verne, Winston Churchill, Edward Everett Hale, Charles King, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Stephen Crane, Charles Carleton Coffin, James Ford Rhodes, John McElroy, Lucy Foster Madison, Harry Hazelton, Mark Twain, Henry F. Keenan, George W. Peck, John R. Musick, Robert W. Chambers, Joseph A. Altsheler, G. A. Henty, B. K. Benson, W. H. Shelton, Byron A. Dunn, Ellen Glasgow, Randall Parrish, María Ruiz de Burton, Thomas Dixon Jr., George Washington Cable, John Esten Cooke, Edward Robins, John William De Forest, Ambrose Bierce, Mary Johnston

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Erschienen am 22.12.2023
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Never Forgotten, Never Could be

Thomas Clarkson, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Daniel Drayton, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, Louis Hughes, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still

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Erschienen am 18.12.2023
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Living to Tell the Horrid Tales: True Life Stories of Fomer Slaves, Historical Documents & Novels

Mark Twain, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Keckley, Albion Winegar Tourgée, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Aphra Behn, Harriet E. Wilson, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Charles W. Chesnutt, Sarah H. Bradford, Sutton E. Griggs, Lucy A. Delaney, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Thomas Clarkson, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Daniel Drayton, Louis Hughes, Lydia Maria Child, James Weldon Johnson, Austin Steward

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Erschienen am 18.12.2023
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The Land of the Divided: American Civil War Collection

Jules Verne, Winston Churchill, Edward Everett Hale, Charles King, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Stephen Crane, Charles Carleton Coffin, James Ford Rhodes, John McElroy, Lucy Foster Madison, Harry Hazelton, Mark Twain, Henry F. Keenan, George W. Peck, John R. Musick, Robert W. Chambers, Joseph A. Altsheler, G. A. Henty, B. K. Benson, W. H. Shelton, Byron A. Dunn, Ellen Glasgow, Randall Parrish, María Ruiz de Burton, Thomas Dixon Jr., George Washington Cable, John Esten Cooke, Edward Robins, John William De Forest, Ambrose Bierce, Mary Johnston

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Erschienen am 16.12.2023
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The Santa's Library: 450+ Christmas Novels, Tales, Carols & Legends

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Max Brand, Jacob A. Riis, S. Weir Mitchell, Elbridge S. Brooks, Edward A. Rand, W. H. H. Murray, Florence L. Barclay, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Harrison S. Morris, Robert E. Howard, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, William Wordsworth, Sarah P. Doughty, Hans Christian Andersen, William Butler Yeats, Richard Watson Gilder, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anton Chekhov, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Carolyn Wells, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Margaret Deland, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, Reginald Heber, Alfred Tennyson, George Macdonald, A. S. Boyd, Maxime Du Camp, Charles Mackay, Mary Austin, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Guy de Maupassant, Brothers Grimm, Clement Moore, Susan Anne Livingston, Ridley Sedgwick, Nora A. Smith, Phebe A. Curtiss, Nellie C. King, John Addington Symonds, Lucy Wheelock, Aunt Hede, Frederick E. Dewhurst, Jay T. Stocking, Anna Robinson, Florence M. Kingsley, M. A. L. Lane, Elizabeth Harkison, Raymond Mcalden, F. E. Mann, Sophie May, Winifred M. Kirkland, Katherine Pyle, Grace Margaret Gallaher, Elia W. Peattie, F. Arnstein, James Weber Linn, Antonio Maré, Pedro A. de Alarcón, Jules Simon, Marion Clifford, Louisa May Alcott, E. E. Hale, Georg Schuster, Matilda Betham Edwards, Angelo J. Lewis, William Francis Dawson, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, Alfred Domett, Dinah Maria Mulock, James S. Park, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Henry Van Dyke, Edmund Bolton, C. S. Stone, Harriet F. Blodgett, John G. Whittier, Christian Burke, Emily Huntington Miller, Cyril Winterbotham, Enoch Arnold Bennett, John Punnett Peters, Laura Elizabeth Richards, Arthur Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Selma Lagerlöf, Andrew Lang, Frances Ridley Havergal, Alphonse Daudet, William John Locke, Walter Scott, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, John Leighton, Booth Tarkington, Ralph Henry Barbour, Benito Pérez Galdós, Charles Dickens, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Alice Duer Miller, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Armando Palacio Valdés, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Marcel Prévost, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Robert Herrick, Mark Twain, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Meredith Nicholson, Lucas Malet, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Isaac Watts, James Russell Lowell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Whitcomb Riley, Thomas Nelson Page, O. Henry, Phillips Brooks, Saki, Cyrus Townsend Brady, William Makepeace Thackeray, Mary Stewart Cutting, Martin Luther, Sarah Orne Jewett, François Coppée, Oliver Bell Bunce, Susan Coolidge, Samuel McChord Crothers, Maud Lindsay, Alice Hale Burnett, Walter Crane, André Theuriet, Amy Ella Blanchard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Isabel Cecilia Williams, Evaleen Stein, Nell Speed, Amanda M. Douglas, Edgar Wallace, George Wither, Booker T. Washington, Olive Thorne Miller, Margaret Sidney, William Douglas O'Connor, William Shakespeare, Vernon Lee, Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Henry Vaughan, Eliza Cook, Kate Upson Clark, Ben Jonson, Ernest Ingersoll, Frank Samuel Child, Willis Boyd Allen, Georgianna M. Bishop, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edward Thring, F. L. Stealey, James Selwin Tait, Tudor Jenks, L. Frank Baum, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, J. M. Barrie, Eleanor H. Porter, Annie F. Johnston

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Erschienen am 15.12.2023
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The Big Book of Christmas Novels, Stories, Myths & Carols

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Max Brand, Jacob A. Riis, S. Weir Mitchell, Elbridge S. Brooks, Edward A. Rand, W. H. H. Murray, Florence L. Barclay, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Harrison S. Morris, Robert E. Howard, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, William Wordsworth, Sarah P. Doughty, Hans Christian Andersen, William Butler Yeats, Richard Watson Gilder, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anton Chekhov, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Carolyn Wells, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Margaret Deland, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, Reginald Heber, Alfred Tennyson, George Macdonald, A. S. Boyd, Maxime Du Camp, Charles Mackay, Mary Austin, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Guy de Maupassant, Brothers Grimm, Clement Moore, Susan Anne Livingston, Ridley Sedgwick, Nora A. Smith, Phebe A. Curtiss, Nellie C. King, John Addington Symonds, Lucy Wheelock, Aunt Hede, Frederick E. Dewhurst, Jay T. Stocking, Anna Robinson, Florence M. Kingsley, M. A. L. Lane, Elizabeth Harkison, Raymond Mcalden, F. E. Mann, Sophie May, Winifred M. Kirkland, Katherine Pyle, Grace Margaret Gallaher, Elia W. Peattie, F. Arnstein, James Weber Linn, Antonio Maré, Pedro A. de Alarcón, Jules Simon, Marion Clifford, Louisa May Alcott, E. E. Hale, Georg Schuster, Matilda Betham Edwards, Angelo J. Lewis, William Francis Dawson, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, Alfred Domett, Dinah Maria Mulock, James S. Park, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Henry Van Dyke, Edmund Bolton, C. S. Stone, Harriet F. Blodgett, John G. Whittier, Christian Burke, Emily Huntington Miller, Cyril Winterbotham, Enoch Arnold Bennett, John Punnett Peters, Laura Elizabeth Richards, Arthur Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Selma Lagerlöf, Andrew Lang, Frances Ridley Havergal, Alphonse Daudet, William John Locke, Walter Scott, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, John Leighton, Booth Tarkington, Ralph Henry Barbour, Benito Pérez Galdós, Charles Dickens, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Alice Duer Miller, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Armando Palacio Valdés, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Marcel Prévost, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Robert Herrick, Mark Twain, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Meredith Nicholson, Lucas Malet, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Isaac Watts, James Russell Lowell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Whitcomb Riley, Thomas Nelson Page, O. Henry, Phillips Brooks, Saki, Cyrus Townsend Brady, William Makepeace Thackeray, Mary Stewart Cutting, Martin Luther, Sarah Orne Jewett, François Coppée, Oliver Bell Bunce, Susan Coolidge, Samuel McChord Crothers, Maud Lindsay, Alice Hale Burnett, Walter Crane, André Theuriet, Amy Ella Blanchard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Isabel Cecilia Williams, Evaleen Stein, Nell Speed, Amanda M. Douglas, Edgar Wallace, George Wither, Booker T. Washington, Olive Thorne Miller, Margaret Sidney, William Douglas O'Connor, William Shakespeare, Vernon Lee, Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Henry Vaughan, Eliza Cook, Kate Upson Clark, Ben Jonson, Ernest Ingersoll, Frank Samuel Child, Willis Boyd Allen, Georgianna M. Bishop, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edward Thring, F. L. Stealey, James Selwin Tait, Tudor Jenks, L. Frank Baum, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, J. M. Barrie, Eleanor H. Porter, Annie F. Johnston

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Erschienen am 15.12.2023
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The Most Wonderful Christmas Tales Of All Time

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Max Brand, Jacob A. Riis, S. Weir Mitchell, Elbridge S. Brooks, Edward A. Rand, W. H. H. Murray, Florence L. Barclay, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Harrison S. Morris, Robert E. Howard, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, William Wordsworth, Sarah P. Doughty, Hans Christian Andersen, William Butler Yeats, Richard Watson Gilder, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anton Chekhov, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Carolyn Wells, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Margaret Deland, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, Reginald Heber, Alfred Tennyson, George Macdonald, A. S. Boyd, Maxime Du Camp, Charles Mackay, Mary Austin, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Guy de Maupassant, Brothers Grimm, Clement Moore, Susan Anne Livingston, Ridley Sedgwick, Nora A. Smith, Phebe A. Curtiss, Nellie C. King, John Addington Symonds, Lucy Wheelock, Aunt Hede, Frederick E. Dewhurst, Jay T. Stocking, Anna Robinson, Florence M. Kingsley, M. A. L. Lane, Elizabeth Harkison, Raymond Mcalden, F. E. Mann, Sophie May, Winifred M. Kirkland, Katherine Pyle, Grace Margaret Gallaher, Elia W. Peattie, F. Arnstein, James Weber Linn, Antonio Maré, Pedro A. de Alarcón, Jules Simon, Marion Clifford, Louisa May Alcott, E. E. Hale, Georg Schuster, Matilda Betham Edwards, Angelo J. Lewis, William Francis Dawson, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, Alfred Domett, Dinah Maria Mulock, James S. Park, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Henry Van Dyke, Edmund Bolton, C. S. Stone, Harriet F. Blodgett, John G. Whittier, Christian Burke, Emily Huntington Miller, Cyril Winterbotham, Enoch Arnold Bennett, John Punnett Peters, Laura Elizabeth Richards, Arthur Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Selma Lagerlöf, Andrew Lang, Frances Ridley Havergal, Alphonse Daudet, William John Locke, Walter Scott, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, John Leighton, Booth Tarkington, Ralph Henry Barbour, Benito Pérez Galdós, Charles Dickens, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Alice Duer Miller, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Armando Palacio Valdés, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Marcel Prévost, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Robert Herrick, Mark Twain, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Meredith Nicholson, Lucas Malet, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Isaac Watts, James Russell Lowell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Whitcomb Riley, Thomas Nelson Page, O. Henry, Phillips Brooks, Saki, Cyrus Townsend Brady, William Makepeace Thackeray, Mary Stewart Cutting, Martin Luther, Sarah Orne Jewett, François Coppée, Oliver Bell Bunce, Susan Coolidge, Samuel McChord Crothers, Maud Lindsay, Alice Hale Burnett, Walter Crane, André Theuriet, Amy Ella Blanchard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Isabel Cecilia Williams, Evaleen Stein, Nell Speed, Amanda M. Douglas, Edgar Wallace, George Wither, Booker T. Washington, Olive Thorne Miller, Margaret Sidney, William Douglas O'Connor, William Shakespeare, Vernon Lee, Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Henry Vaughan, Eliza Cook, Kate Upson Clark, Ben Jonson, Ernest Ingersoll, Frank Samuel Child, Willis Boyd Allen, Georgianna M. Bishop, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edward Thring, F. L. Stealey, James Selwin Tait, Tudor Jenks, L. Frank Baum, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, J. M. Barrie, Eleanor H. Porter, Annie F. Johnston

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Erschienen am 13.12.2023
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Santa's Christmas Library

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Max Brand, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Margaret Deland, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, Reginald Heber, Alfred Tennyson, William Wordsworth, George Macdonald, A. S. Boyd, Maxime Du Camp, Mary Austin, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Guy de Maupassant, Brothers Grimm, Clement Moore, Susan Anne Livingston, Ridley Sedgwick, Carolyn Wells, Selma Lagerlof, Nora A. Smith, Phebe A. Curtiss, Nellie C. King, Lucy Wheelock, Aunt Hede, Frederick E. Dewhurst, Jay T. Stocking, Anna Robinson, Florence M. Kingsley, Charles Mackay, M. A. L. Lane, Elizabeth Harkison, Raymond Mcalden, F. E. Mann, Winifred M. Kirkland, Katherine Pyle, Grace Margaret Gallaher, Elia W. Peattie, F. Arnstein, James Weber Linn, John Addington Symonds, Antonio Maré, Pedro A. de Alarcón, Jules Simon, Marion Clifford, E. E. Hale, Georg Schuster, Matilda Betham Edwards, Angelo J. Lewis, William Francis Dawson, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, Sophie May, Alfred Domett, Dinah Maria Mulock, James S. Park, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Edmund Bolton, C. S. Stone, Harriet F. Blodgett, John G. Whittier, Christian Burke, Emily Huntington Miller, Louisa May Alcott, Cyril Winterbotham, Enoch Arnold Bennett, John Punnett Peters, Henry Van Dyke, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Andrew Lang, Selma Lagerlöf, Frances Ridley Havergal, Alphonse Daudet, William John Locke, Walter Scott, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Booth Tarkington, Benito Pérez Galdós, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Armando Palacio Valdés, William Morris, Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, Marcel Prévost, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Robert Herrick, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Meredith Nicholson, Mark Twain, Lucas Malet, Isaac Watts, James Russell Lowell, James Whitcomb Riley, Thomas Nelson Page, O. Henry, Phillips Brooks, Saki, William Makepeace Thackeray, Sarah Orne Jewett, Harriet Beecher Stowe, François Coppée, Oliver Bell Bunce, Susan Coolidge, Samuel McChord Crothers, Maud Lindsay, Alice Hale Burnett, Walter Crane, André Theuriet, Amy Ella Blanchard, Isabel Cecilia Williams, Martin Luther, Evaleen Stein, Amanda M. Douglas, Edgar Wallace, George Wither, Booker T. Washington, Olive Thorne Miller, Vernon Lee, Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Henry Vaughan, Eliza Cook, Robert Louis Stevenson, Kate Upson Clark, Ben Jonson, Ernest Ingersoll, Frank Samuel Child, Willis Boyd Allen, Georgianna M. Bishop, Edward Thring, F. L. Stealey, James Selwin Tait, Tudor Jenks, William Shakespeare, L. Frank Baum, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, J. M. Barrie, Eleanor H. Porter, Annie F. Johnston, Jacob A. Riis, Elbridge S. Brooks, Edward A. Rand, Florence L. Barclay, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Harrison S. Morris, Robert E. Howard, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, Sarah P. Doughty, Hans Christian Andersen, William Butler Yeats, Richard Watson Gilder, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anton Chekhov

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Erschienen am 16.12.2023
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North & South (Civil War Boxed Set)

Jules Verne, Edward Everett Hale, Charles King, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Charles Carleton Coffin, James Ford Rhodes, John McElroy, Lucy Foster Madison, Harry Hazelton, Henry F. Keenan, George W. Peck, Mark Twain, John R. Musick, Robert W. Chambers, Joseph A. Altsheler, G. A. Henty, B. K. Benson, W. H. Shelton, Byron A. Dunn, Ellen Glasgow, María Ruiz de Burton, Thomas Dixon Jr., Randall Parrish, George Washington Cable, John Esten Cooke, Edward Robins, John William De Forest, Ambrose Bierce, Winston Churchill

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Erschienen am 16.12.2023
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North vs. South Collection

Jules Verne, Edward Everett Hale, Charles King, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Charles Carleton Coffin, James Ford Rhodes, John McElroy, Lucy Foster Madison, Harry Hazelton, Henry F. Keenan, George W. Peck, Mark Twain, John R. Musick, Robert W. Chambers, Joseph A. Altsheler, G. A. Henty, B. K. Benson, W. H. Shelton, Byron A. Dunn, Ellen Glasgow, María Ruiz de Burton, Thomas Dixon Jr., Randall Parrish, George Washington Cable, John Esten Cooke, Edward Robins, John William De Forest, Ambrose Bierce, Winston Churchill

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Erschienen am 12.12.2023
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100$ REWARD ON MY HEAD - Powerful & Unflinching Memoirs Of Former Slaves

Thomas Clarkson, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Daniel Drayton, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, Louis Hughes, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still

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Erschienen am 11.12.2023
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The Tales of Civil War: 40 Books Collection

Jules Verne, Winston Churchill, Edward Everett Hale, Charles King, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, Stephen Crane, Charles Carleton Coffin, James Ford Rhodes, John McElroy, Lucy Foster Madison, Harry Hazelton, Mark Twain, Henry F. Keenan, George W. Peck, John R. Musick, Robert W. Chambers, Joseph A. Altsheler, G. A. Henty, B. K. Benson, W. H. Shelton, Byron A. Dunn, Ellen Glasgow, Randall Parrish, María Ruiz de Burton, Thomas Dixon Jr., George Washington Cable, John Esten Cooke, Edward Robins, John William De Forest, Ambrose Bierce, Mary Johnston

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Erschienen am 11.12.2023
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UNCHAINED - Powerful & Unflinching Narratives Of Former Slaves: 28 True Life Stories in One Volume

Thomas Clarkson, Nat Turner, Henry Bibb, Olaudah Equiano, Sojourner Truth, Mary Prince, Kate Drumgoold, Frederick Douglass, Brantz Mayer, Theodore Canot, Booker T. Washington, Daniel Drayton, Elizabeth Keckley, Charles Ball, Solomon Northup, Josiah Henson, Stephen Smith, Ellen Craft, William Craft, John Gabriel Stedman, Sarah H. Bradford, Lucy A. Delaney, Louis Hughes, L. S. Thompson, F. G. De Fontaine, Henry Box Brown, John Dixon Long, Harriet Jacobs, Jacob D. Green, Thomas S. Gaines, Willie Lynch, Margaretta Matilda Odell, Joseph Mountain, Lydia Maria Child, Austin Steward, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Moses Grandy, William Wells Brown, William Still

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Erschienen am 11.12.2023
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The Santa's Great Treasure Chest: 450+ Christmas Novels, Tales, Carols & Legends

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Max Brand, Jacob A. Riis, S. Weir Mitchell, Elbridge S. Brooks, Edward A. Rand, W. H. H. Murray, Florence L. Barclay, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Harrison S. Morris, Robert E. Howard, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, William Wordsworth, Sarah P. Doughty, Hans Christian Andersen, William Butler Yeats, Richard Watson Gilder, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anton Chekhov, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Carolyn Wells, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Margaret Deland, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, Reginald Heber, Alfred Tennyson, George Macdonald, A. S. Boyd, Maxime Du Camp, Charles Mackay, Mary Austin, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Guy de Maupassant, Brothers Grimm, Clement Moore, Susan Anne Livingston, Ridley Sedgwick, Nora A. Smith, Phebe A. Curtiss, Nellie C. King, John Addington Symonds, Lucy Wheelock, Aunt Hede, Frederick E. Dewhurst, Jay T. Stocking, Anna Robinson, Florence M. Kingsley, M. A. L. Lane, Elizabeth Harkison, Raymond Mcalden, F. E. Mann, Sophie May, Winifred M. Kirkland, Katherine Pyle, Grace Margaret Gallaher, Elia W. Peattie, F. Arnstein, James Weber Linn, Antonio Maré, Pedro A. de Alarcón, Jules Simon, Marion Clifford, Louisa May Alcott, E. E. Hale, Georg Schuster, Matilda Betham Edwards, Angelo J. Lewis, William Francis Dawson, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, Alfred Domett, Dinah Maria Mulock, James S. Park, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Henry Van Dyke, Edmund Bolton, C. S. Stone, Harriet F. Blodgett, John G. Whittier, Christian Burke, Emily Huntington Miller, Cyril Winterbotham, Enoch Arnold Bennett, John Punnett Peters, Laura Elizabeth Richards, Arthur Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Selma Lagerlöf, Andrew Lang, Frances Ridley Havergal, Alphonse Daudet, William John Locke, Walter Scott, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, John Leighton, Booth Tarkington, Ralph Henry Barbour, Benito Pérez Galdós, Charles Dickens, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Alice Duer Miller, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Armando Palacio Valdés, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Marcel Prévost, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Robert Herrick, Mark Twain, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Meredith Nicholson, Lucas Malet, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Isaac Watts, James Russell Lowell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Whitcomb Riley, Thomas Nelson Page, O. Henry, Phillips Brooks, Saki, Cyrus Townsend Brady, William Makepeace Thackeray, Mary Stewart Cutting, Martin Luther, Sarah Orne Jewett, François Coppée, Oliver Bell Bunce, Susan Coolidge, Samuel McChord Crothers, Maud Lindsay, Alice Hale Burnett, Walter Crane, André Theuriet, Amy Ella Blanchard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Isabel Cecilia Williams, Evaleen Stein, Nell Speed, Amanda M. Douglas, Edgar Wallace, George Wither, Booker T. Washington, Olive Thorne Miller, Margaret Sidney, William Douglas O'Connor, William Shakespeare, Vernon Lee, Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Henry Vaughan, Eliza Cook, Kate Upson Clark, Ben Jonson, Ernest Ingersoll, Frank Samuel Child, Willis Boyd Allen, Georgianna M. Bishop, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edward Thring, F. L. Stealey, James Selwin Tait, Tudor Jenks, L. Frank Baum, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, J. M. Barrie, Eleanor H. Porter, Annie F. Johnston

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Erschienen am 10.12.2023
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Big Book of Christmas Novels, Tales, Legends & Carols (Illustrated Edition)

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Max Brand, Jacob A. Riis, S. Weir Mitchell, Elbridge S. Brooks, Edward A. Rand, W. H. H. Murray, Florence L. Barclay, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Harrison S. Morris, Robert E. Howard, Marjorie L. C. Pickthall, William Wordsworth, Sarah P. Doughty, Hans Christian Andersen, William Butler Yeats, Richard Watson Gilder, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anton Chekhov, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Carolyn Wells, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Margaret Deland, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, Reginald Heber, Alfred Tennyson, George Macdonald, A. S. Boyd, Maxime Du Camp, Charles Mackay, Mary Austin, Juliana Horatia Ewing, Guy de Maupassant, Brothers Grimm, Clement Moore, Susan Anne Livingston, Ridley Sedgwick, Nora A. Smith, Phebe A. Curtiss, Nellie C. King, John Addington Symonds, Lucy Wheelock, Aunt Hede, Frederick E. Dewhurst, Jay T. Stocking, Anna Robinson, Florence M. Kingsley, M. A. L. Lane, Elizabeth Harkison, Raymond Mcalden, F. E. Mann, Sophie May, Winifred M. Kirkland, Katherine Pyle, Grace Margaret Gallaher, Elia W. Peattie, F. Arnstein, James Weber Linn, Antonio Maré, Pedro A. de Alarcón, Jules Simon, Marion Clifford, Louisa May Alcott, E. E. Hale, Georg Schuster, Matilda Betham Edwards, Angelo J. Lewis, William Francis Dawson, CHRISTOPHER NORTH, Alfred Domett, Dinah Maria Mulock, James S. Park, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Henry Van Dyke, Edmund Bolton, C. S. Stone, Harriet F. Blodgett, John G. Whittier, Christian Burke, Emily Huntington Miller, Cyril Winterbotham, Enoch Arnold Bennett, John Punnett Peters, Laura Elizabeth Richards, Arthur Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Selma Lagerlöf, Andrew Lang, Frances Ridley Havergal, Alphonse Daudet, William John Locke, Walter Scott, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, John Leighton, Booth Tarkington, Ralph Henry Barbour, Benito Pérez Galdós, Charles Dickens, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Alice Duer Miller, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, Armando Palacio Valdés, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Marcel Prévost, Rudyard Kipling, Beatrix Potter, Robert Herrick, Mark Twain, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Emily Dickinson, Bret Harte, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Meredith Nicholson, Lucas Malet, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Isaac Watts, James Russell Lowell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Willa Cather, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Whitcomb Riley, Thomas Nelson Page, O. Henry, Phillips Brooks, Saki, Cyrus Townsend Brady, William Makepeace Thackeray, Mary Stewart Cutting, Martin Luther, Sarah Orne Jewett, François Coppée, Oliver Bell Bunce, Susan Coolidge, Samuel McChord Crothers, Maud Lindsay, Alice Hale Burnett, Walter Crane, André Theuriet, Amy Ella Blanchard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Isabel Cecilia Williams, Evaleen Stein, Nell Speed, Amanda M. Douglas, Edgar Wallace, George Wither, Booker T. Washington, Olive Thorne Miller, Margaret Sidney, William Douglas O'Connor, William Shakespeare, Vernon Lee, Anne Hollingsworth Wharton, Henry Vaughan, Eliza Cook, Kate Upson Clark, Ben Jonson, Ernest Ingersoll, Frank Samuel Child, Willis Boyd Allen, Georgianna M. Bishop, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edward Thring, F. L. Stealey, James Selwin Tait, Tudor Jenks, L. Frank Baum, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, J. M. Barrie, Eleanor H. Porter, Annie F. Johnston

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Erschienen am 10.12.2023
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Complete Recitals On Philips

Jose Carreras

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Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
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Tosca (Limited Deluxe Edition)

Maria Callas, C. Bergonzi, T. Gobbi, G. Prêtre

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G. Puccini

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Rosa Mystica: Musical Portraits Of The Virgin Mary

Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir

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Chilling Cello Vol. 2

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Donna-Madrigale Und Motetten Für 2 Frauenstimmen

Kusa, Saskova, de Grange, Il Festino

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100 Best Mozart

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Don Giovanni

Giulini, Schwarzkopf, Wächter

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Händel Edition

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Sämtliche Aufnahmen Für Archiv & Dg (Ltd.Edt.)

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Frescobaldi-Complete Edition

Roberto Loreggian

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Erschienen am 05.08.2011
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100 Anniversary Edition-Salzburg Festival

Jansons, Muti, Gergiev, Wiener Philharmoniker

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Erschienen am 14.08.2020
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100 Anniversary Edition - Salzburg Festival

Jansons, Muti, Gergiev, Wiener Philharmoniker

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Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
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Otello (Ga)

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La Divina - Maria Callas (Picture Disc LP) (Vinyl)

Maria Callas, G. Pretre, T.Giulini C Serafin

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La Divina - Maria Callas (Black Vinyl)

Maria Callas, G. Pretre, T. Serafin

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La Divina-Maria Callas(Red Colour Vinyl)

Maria Callas, G. Pretre, T. Serafin

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Maria Lindo Englisch-Horn-Konzert

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Bioelektrochemische Membranelektroden

Johannes G. Schindler, Maria M. Schindler

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Transgenic Models in Endocrinology

Maria G. Castro

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Responsabilidade Civil, Gênero e Sexualidades - 1ª Ed - 2024

Ana Carla Harmatiuk Matos, Fernanda Nunes Barbosa, Fernanda Paes Leme, Fernanda Pantaleão Dirscherl, Francielle Elisabet Nogueira de Lima, Gilberto Fachetti Silvestre, Jacqueline Lopes Pereira, José Luiz de Moura Faleiros Júnior, Leandro Reinaldo da Cunha, Lígia Ziggiotti de Oliveira, Maria Cristine Lindoso, Ana Frazão, Natan Galves Santana, Nelson Rosenvald, Pedro Gueiros, Renata Peruzzo, Sérgio Lorentino, Silmara D. Araújo Amarilla, Teila Rocha Lins D'Albuquerque, Tereza Rodrigues Vieira, Thiago G. Viana, Vanessa de Castro Dória Melo, Andressa Regina Bissolotti dos Santos, Vitor Almeida, Wagner Inácio Freitas Dias, Ariani Folharini Bortolatto, Camila Sampaio Galvão, Carla Watanabe, Cíntia Muniz de Souza Konder, Dóris Ghilardi, Fabíola Albuquerque Lôbo

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Erschienen am 05.06.2024
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Textos científico-técnicos. ¿Cómo crearlos?

Miriam G Raya Hernández, María Elena Zulueta Blanco

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Erschienen am 15.01.2024
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Texturas 53: Un relato de la edición

Antonio Basanta, Manuel Gil, David Soler, Iñaki Vázquez-Álvarez, Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, José Antonio Cordón García, María Muñoz Rico, Julien Lefort-Favreau, Pablo Cerezo, Edgar A. G. Encina, Joaquín Rodríguez, Víctor Sarrión, José Antonio Millán, Martín Gómez, Ana Bustelo, Guillermo Schavelzon, Pablo Odell, Henry Odell, Mariana Eguaras

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Erschienen am 01.01.2024
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